The Official BHS Tie
Few classmates at the reunion knew of the BHS Ties. They did exist. I still have mine. It may well be the last. It certainly is a throwback to the 70s.
There were several good reasons to wear this relic to our reunion.
1. I had one
2. Neither of my two wives would let me throw it out.
(OK, I still have my Priceville basketball uniform too)
3. The envy factor. I knew every man there would wish they had one
4. It hid the straining buttons on my shirt.
We had a super fan our first year at Brewer. I think her name was Berta Bowling from Union Hill. She made everyone on the basketball team one of these ties. Yes - we had to wear them. Miss Berta was such a fan, she made it to every basketball game that year. She even came to every game 20 years later when we played in a tournament. It was great to see her again and talk to the lady who made these ties.
Now, let the bidding begin. What are the offers for a genuine 4 inch wide white polyester 1973 tie? Hardly used - but quite adequate for those special occasions.
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